In the course we have set feet on in parallel to our dreams, we are ongoing to grow jointly with our esteemed business partners imbued with the thrill of incessant development and improvement in several different areas, ranging from our investments under Kadooğlu Holding from fuel to food, from renewable energy to real estate.
In all of the foregoing processes, thanks to the investments we have made without reducing speed in respect of Kadooğlu Oil’s successful brands, namely Bizce, Brinto, Azime, Mayra and Mutfakların Şefi (Chef of Cuisines), we are continuing to hold our position amongst the selectable brand both locally as well as abroad. With the objective of enhancing our product and service penetration and diffusion, were ever increasing and expanding our dealer network and sales channels.

Our Targets For The Overseas Markets As Well As The Domestic Market

Our target is while increasing from one day to the next our market share as well as recognition in Turkish domestic market on one hand, on the other hand representing our country in the best possible manner in the foreign markets by our brands. Kadooğlu Oil brands meeting consumers in more than 75 countries worldwide, are ever increasing their recognition over a wider geographical territory.
At present, while cooperation with such developed markets like Europe, Far East, Africa and the Middle East, are opening new export markets, these serve as references for us in respect of the next country.

Our Marketing And Brand Strategies

While growing in international markets, we are at the same time ongoing to present quality products to our dealers in both markets with accurate and appropriate prices. Powerful family ties we have established with our dealers are carrying us from success to success. Our team mates are exerting maximum efforts for satisfaction of our dealers and customers. Thanks to such a synergy, both our dealers and our consumers see and consider us as one of their family members.

Proceeding With Growth…

Several advantages are provided to our dealers through our marketing and distribution network in parallel to our requirements, thanks to our investments as well as production facilities of global standards. And to that end, we shall be continuing with our investments at the right times and in speedy yet secure steps. Jointly with our business partners, we shall be advancing more every day equipped with such faith and achievements bringing us together.

With My Deepest Respect and Affection.