Kadooğlu Transferred His Seat

Kadooğlu Holding’s top priority iş education

Hacı Kemal Kadooğlu Secondary School managers and students vısıting Kadooğlu Holding within framework of April 23rd National Sövereignty and Children’s Feast events, visited Kadooğlu Holding Board of Directors Vice-Chairman Celal Kadooğlu at his office. Students receiving detailed ınformation from Celal Kadooğlu about Kadooğlu Oil Factory, witnessed the process passed through by oils aş the leading ıtem amongst food products, till they reach our dinner tables.


Hacı Kemal Kadooğlu Secondary School managers and students visited Kadooğlu Holding and received information from Kadooğlu Holding Board of Directors Vice-Chairman Celal Kadooğlu. Celal Kadooğlu, giving information to Hacı Kemal Kadooğlu Primary School Principal Ekrem Kavak and those managers and students accompanying him, about such companies operating under the organization of Kadooğlu Holding, told the students the secrets of success as well. Kadooğlu transferred his seat under scope of the event, to Abdurrahman Kamer, a student of the school. 

Receiving information about Hacı Kemal Kadooğlu Secondary School as well and chatting with the students, Celal Kadooğlu while expressing that success could only be possible by hard work, continued as follows; “You are our future, our tomorrow. This country’s progress, development and assuming higher positions in the global economy are all dependent on your future efforts, production and achievements. Indeed, if you desire to be successful, you should first of all duly make the best of your studentship, read more, be equipped with information about all kinds of topics, following the agenda of both our country as well as worldwide, thereby determine what could possibly be done for our country’s development and prepare yourselves to the duties you shall be undertaking in future. Hard work lies at the foundations of success. I believe you shall be completing your education with superior achievements and upon performing as best as possible your future assignments, subscribe to new success stories”. 

Kadooğlu Transferred His Seat To A Student

Celal Kadooğlu, transferring his seat to Abdurrahman Kamer, one of the students from Hacı Kemal Kadooğlu Secondary School managers and students visiting Kadooğlu Holding within framework of April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children’s Feast events , asked Kamer “Now that you are the top executive of such a facility like this one. What would you like to do?” Kamer in response stated that he was so happy to manage Kadooğlu Holding as one of Turkey’s leading institutions, expressing that he would be emphasizing education, he is planning to provide several aids to vocational high schools while organizing in-house professional training, detecting successful students in Gaziantep, he would particularly be interested in the education and training of the same and further added that he would be undersigning major projects towards development of the companies under the holding, in parallel to global brand creation. 



Kadooğlu Gave The Students Various Presents 

Chatting at length with the students, Celal Kadooğlu also received advice and information from the school managers and stated that it was included in their agenda such  tools and equipment required by the school and these are to be assessed within soonest notice. Kadooğlu gave various presents to the students visiting him, in commemoration of the occasion and celebrated the students’ April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children’s Feast. Kadooğlu also had his photograph taken in memoriam with the students. After chatting with the students, Kadooğlu expressed that he had great expectations and hope for the future, said “We shall be continuing to exert the best possible efforts to ensure that our children who shall both be living and causing to be lived our future would be receiving a qualified education. Education is one of our most important social responsibility projects as a Holding”.